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Our Pets

Our cat


There are many cats in the world, several hundred million. Depending on the source, the number is different. Among them, there are guaranteed to be a lot of cool cats. But for us, our Lotta is the coolest. What she has already experienced with her soon to be 15 years, is certainly not common. No matter what she experiences, she stays cool, doesn't let herself get upset and adapts to all new situations. Almost 5 years ago, when Brownie - her new big brother - moved in with us, she was not really pleased at first, but she accepted him without much grumbling. Even the move to the mountains, where she had no free run for a while, didn't bother her at all. And also now in the motorhome, no problem. In the beginning she didn't dare to go outside, but in the meantime the daily exit is completely normal. No matter where we are, Lotta wants to go out. The 3 week adventure in the Scottish Highlands included. Who knows the story, knows what is meant. When she is not exploring, she is sleeping or demanding food. As far as that is concerned, she really seems to be getting a bit demented. She forgets very quickly that she just got food....but yes, that's just how she is.
She is our queen and we are very proud to have her with us and we wish that she will be fit and lively for many years to come.

Our dog


According to the pedigree, Brownie is called ``Emmet Dog Brown`` - based on the movie Back to the Future and the inventive Emmet Doc Brown. Since Brownie comes from the E-litter, a first name with ``E`` was needed. The character in the movie is crazy, and Brownie is very similar. When we let him off the leash, he shows that every now and then. When he sees, hears or smells something that fascinates him, he can run away for a few minutes. He always comes back, but that does not always calm us down at first. But we notice that he has become a bit calmer with almost 5 years. And he is an absolute sleepyhead, he can lie in bed with us until after 10 o'clock in the morning without any problems - even though it is rare that we sleep that long.
Brownie loves all people and euphorically approaches everyone and loves to be petted. A woman we met in Spain said it absolutely aptly. He was born to show dog love. Even though he is sometimes a bit temperamental and euphoric towards people, he is an absolutely sweet guy, as he has also been affectionately called. A fluffy cuddly bear with whom you can do almost everything.
If you like to donate some food for our pets, just follow the link. Thank you very much

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